“Good Ideas and Intentions are simply thoughts and feelings that have yet to benefit anyone.

A defined goal, complemented with a formidable plan, and supported by those who stand to benefit is a dangerously exciting proposition”

— Us University

The Plan

We must continue to conduct ourselves with Truth and Integrity in order to Grow and Maintain Trust.

We knew we had to:

  • Plan in Truth

  • Plan with Integrity

  • Plan for Trust, and

  • Trust in Our Plan

Planning for planning’s sake is never helpful; we truly wanted to be organised, focused and defined in our approach going forward. Our plan had to enable us to make the best out of our limited resources , yet still be scalable when further support and resources arrived.

Once we had faith and trust in our plan, we felt thoroughly energised and motivated to pursue the effective execution of our overall plan, and achieve our collective goals for human progress.

Join Us. Support Us.

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What Inspires Us


“Think Win-Win.”

— Stephen J. Covey

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People’

“Consistency is the True Foundation of Trust. Either keep your promises or do not make them.”

— Roy T. Bennett

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good people to do nothing.”

— Edmund Burke


“Success is not how high you have climbed, but how you make a positive difference to the world.”

- Roy T. Bennett


“Walk with the dreamers, the believers, the courageous, the cheerful, the planners, the doers, the successful people with their heads in the clouds and their feet on the ground. Let their spirit ignite a fire within you to leave this world better than when you found it.”

— Wilferd Peterson

We have always remained fully committed to conduct ourselves with Truth & Integrity in order to Grow and Maintain Trust.

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The Plan

Online Content

Our Pearls - While we continue to pursue the weightier and more time-consuming Documentary and Casework Achievements, it is important to begin creating content that is accessible online immediately. It is necessary to begin benefitting Individuals and their Communities as soon as possible in an organised and transparent manner. Empowering good deserving people around the world is an essential Global Need. With the empowered support of global audiences, our valuable Casework and Documentary outcomes can be realised more effectively and speedily, with reduced barriers, more valuable results, and reach a wider audience.

We want to start giving to the people of the world in any way we sensibly can, as soon as possible. Building that Trust and Faith in Our Work is vital.

Casework Achievements

Our Mining and Discovery Efforts - A number of concerning and unlawful matters had been experienced and witnessed by innocent individuals, and these were brought to our attention. These harmful acts included:

  • Corruption and Fraud

  • Abuses of Power and Position

  • The Tort of Conspiracy (Factually Proven)

  • Psychological Abuse

  • Wilful Neglect and Failures in Duty of Care

  • Abuse of Evidence

  • Perverting the Course of Justice

In order to force and demand impactful changes to overcome systemic injustices and issues, we have carefully collected extensive evidence of related wrongdoing and unlawful acts by public sector and private organisations, and unlawful, harmful and concerning individuals that are connected to staff within the aforementioned organisations.

It has been far too easy for harmful people to escape accountability for systemic, human and societal cruelties and oppression. These acts are Evil.

By taking formal action, we can prove the existence and impact of systemic and societal issues. With your support, we can expose the truth, ensure responsibility is taken by abusive parties, and that they are held accountable as speedily, firmly and fully as possible.

Our Casework, supported with unquestionable evidence, will ensure legal action is taken by the courts on specific cases, and then followed up by governments implementing laws to:

  • reduce the number of future victims

  • enable the protection of future victims and evidence.


Our Valuable Diamonds - Our documentary projects will allow us to formally, elegantly, and professionally present the process and results of our casework and evidence in an organised, polished and logical manner for effortless viewing and consumption.

The evidence we have collected is a vital component in establishing credibility and building trust with global citizens. This evidence will be delivered in a accurate and respectful manner in our various documentary projects.

Our first major documentary project will be an ambitious Documentary Film Series examining many of the harmful acts listed in the Casework Achievements section above.

“All people dream, but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds, wake in the day to find that it was vanity: but the dreamers of the day are dangerous people, for they may act on their dreams with open eyes, to make them possible.”

— T.E. Lawrence


Quality and Our Brand