“Everything our Brand and Logo touched needed to embody and resonate Quality.
Any person who makes a virtuous connection with Us University should be regarded as having a respect for Humanity and Quality.
Our Aim was to be Unquestionable.
Our Brand is Us; You, Yours & Us.
All of Us. Unquestionably Us.”
— Us University
Pursuing Quality and Our Brand
Trust and Quality were essential components of any Brand Soul and Vision we developed. Trust and Quality were such an important priority because any work that poured out from such vital and sacred values would be soaked in their blessing.
And once established, we vowed to never waver from such profound principles.
We have kept that promise. And we preserve the evidence that is necessary to ensure your continued faith in all we do.
Of course we wanted to develop a vision, an organisation and a brand that was powerful yet elegantly appealing in its intentions, soul and visual attractiveness.
But it was important that this beauty and richness of character was developed from within, from a meaningful and valuable heart, mind and soul. We did not want to have any association with a hollow facade that lacked substance and credibility.
We wanted to be Unquestionable.
So we did the work first, we understood our promise, we proved the existence of quality in our vision, we built trust, we served global human needs, we let the visual brand evolve organically until it depicted our collective soul, and hence, allowed the continuing Brand Story to write itself.
Now that we have built this path and presence, your participation and support will enable us to grow our reach and remit further. But when you participate in any capacity, you become a part of the story. You get to take some credit because you took some initiative with us, in the interest of All of Us.
It was a wonderful feeling when we learned that Our Brand Vision and Important Global Needs aligned. This motivated us to fortify Our Brand Values further. Now we must dutifully continue to serve Our Brand Potential and forge Our Brand Destiny.
All of Us must continue Our Brand Story.
The Central Us University Logo
While undertaking all of the gruelling casework and evidence gathering background, it was important for us to be united under a visual symbol that gave us a sense of strength, inspired hope and promise, displayed the virtue, elegance and classiness of our operation, encouraged evolution and innovation, looked simple yet sharp, could stand the test of time, and informed us that more can flower and grow from within, the more one dedicates themselves to responsible and meaningful work.
Our Logo needed to be uniquely identifiable, appealing and attractive. We eventually converged upon a few variations of the final design and tested its resonance with people of all ages, backgrounds, and socio-demographic attributes.
It had to be able to bring together and unite anyone and everyone with a common sense of human values and belonging.
As worthwhile Global Citizens, You and Yours were at the centre of our hearts, minds and souls in brainstorming, designing and finalising processes of the resulting creation.
The visual symbol that captured and exemplified our collective work and human achievement needed to be one that each of us would be empowered, assured and excited to be associated with. We hope we have achieved this symbolic goal.
Our Sub-Brands and Initiatives
Class of Infinity
Nobody Graduates Life. Life is a journey of never-ending learning, and infinite growth and development. Not only do we have so much to learn from each other, likewise we have so much to teach each other. Regardless of age, we all have some value and worth to each other. We are all the Class of Infinity!
Safe Places for Progress. While a person’s home may be an unstructured and volatile place, there is an overwhelming need to ensure that any communal and shared spaces be havens for productivity and human connections that encourage comfort, belonging, safety, strength, openness, confidence and development.
E of E
Pursue what is Worthwhile. Resist what is Harmful. Whether you wish to become active as a worthwhile and valuable Exponent of Egalitarianism, Equality and Effectiveness (E of E), a formidable Enemy of Evil, Entitlement and Excess (E of E), or both, E of E is about supporting the solutions, not the problems.