Original EverHawk (Subscribe)

from £5.00 every month

Thank you. People who support, sponsor and hence, progress our efforts are not only playing a vital role in helping our work, but psychological studies have shown, given the type of human development and empowerment work we do, such wonderful people are adding a meaningful purpose and value to their own lives. This work has not only given our lives purpose and value, but we hope they provide the same for you. You are A TRUE PART of the the journey, and not an accessory. And now you will have the receipts to prove it!

Our mascot is intended to be the EverHawks.

You will be one of the Original EverHawks!

We will ensure to save the date and time when you become one of the first to join our collective journey and support us.

Important Note: Those who become a true contributory part of this journey will always be given the prime consideration and pride of place in any incentives and benefits we offer to those that supported us. Our aim is to somehow return the full value of your contribution as a benefit to you. However, as you can appreciate, our focus and priority at this time, must be the work and sacrifices we have to make to achieve the results we are striving and suffering towards. Your support in any form makes the suffering bearable. Thank you.

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